
Sunika is responsible for the creation of this website. This disclaimer applies to the content and use of the site. By using the site you accept the disclaimer.

This website and all its components are owned by Sunika. It is not allowed to disclose, copy or store the site or parts thereof without the express written permission of Sunika. This permission is not required for personal, non-commercial use.

The information on Sunika is carefully compiled by us. Nevertheless, information published on the site may be incomplete and/or incorrect. The information on the site is regularly updated and/or modified. Sunika reserves the right to make any changes with immediate effect and without notice. While all efforts are made to prevent abuse, we are not liable for information and/or messages sent by users of the website over the Internet.

Specifically for prices and other information about products on the Website, reservations are made for obvious programming and typing errors. You can not claim an agreement with Sunika based on such errors. Sunika can never accept liability for website hyperlinks to websites or services of third parties

The materials offered on the Website are offered without any warranty or claim for accuracy. These materials may change at any time without prior notice from Sunika.

Sunika excludes all liability for any direct or indirect damage, of any kind arising from or in any way related to the website.